VIKARA at VOLFEST’24: A celebration of volunteering and compassion. By HOV (Humans of Volunteering) and iVolunteer.

VIKARA at VOLFEST’24: A celebration of volunteering and compassion. By HOV (Humans of Volunteering) and iVolunteer.

VIKARA The Voice Of Change Foundation proudly participated in VOLFEST’24, India's premier Volunteering Festival held at the prestigious Dhyanchand Stadium, near the iconic India Gate in Delhi on 14th April 2024. Led by our esteemed Founder, Mr. Atul Pachauri, our dedicated team of volunteers and children joined hands with numerous other NGOs in a magnificent celebration of altruism and community spirit. 

VOLFEST'24, which took place on April 13 and 14, 2024, and was organized by Humans of Volunteering and iVolunteer, went beyond the traditional notion of a festival with its colorful mosaic of kindness, unity, and the transforming potential of volunteering. Celebrated on Good Deeds Day, VOLFEST'24 was a ray of hope and a living example of the enormous difference that one person can make in the world when they choose to be nice and helpful.

Throughout the two-day extravaganza, attendees were treated to a plethora of activities and experiences tailored to cater to diverse interests and age groups. The event included something for everyone, from educational programs on environmental efforts and arts and crafts to energizing exercise classes like Zumba. In addition, the festival's dedication to diversity and empowerment was demonstrated by demonstrations centered on important topics including sign language classes and women's safety. 

At VIKARA Foundation's stall, nestled within the bustling premises of Dhyanchand Stadium, attendees were greeted with an array of items. Collaborating with Mr. Akash, a talented entrepreneur, we showcased his handmade bags alongside our assortment of hair accessories including rubber bands, clutches, and hairbands, as well as other fashionable accessories like earrings. The money we profited from our stall—which reflects the hard work and dedication of our volunteers and supporters—went toward supporting the admirable projects that the VIKARA Foundation promotes. Amidst the vibrant atmosphere of VOLFEST’24, our organization seized the opportunity to not only raise funds but also to showcase the remarkable talents of our VIKARA children. Our kids' captivating group dance performance to the tune "Banke Biharilal" was one of the highlights of the occasion for which VIKARA Foundation received the prestigious Best Performance Award. This award demonstrated our commitment to shaping kids and our other social services while also demonstrating the transformational potential of art and expression.

The festival wasn't merely about stall setups and fundraising activities; it was a celebration of human connection and the collective endeavor towards a brighter, more inclusive future. From engaging games like 'Arrange the Bottles' from our VIKARA stall to interactive stalls like 'Clownseller,' which challenged volunteers to express emotions through body gestures; few food stalls, Face painting art stall, Accessories stall to name a few, VOLFEST’24 fostered an environment of joy, learning, and meaningful engagement. Moreover, stage performances featuring dance, music, and various other talents added an extra layer of vibrancy to the event. The recognition bestowed upon VIKARA Foundation served as validation of our tireless efforts in the realms of social service and community development.

VOLFEST'24 was essentially more than just a typical festival; it was a call to action for kindness, harmony, and constructive change. We are reminded of the limitless potential of human compassion and the significant influence that every act of volunteerism may have on our communities and beyond as we think back on our enlightening experience at the festival.

The VIKARA Foundation is unwavering in its dedication to promoting an environment of understanding, compassion, and service as we look to the future. VOLFEST'24 was more than just a celebration; it was a reminder of our shared duty to make the world a better, more caring place for everyone.